Sunday, February 26, 2012

Development and Peace: A Cancer in the Church that Needs to be Excised.

This morning, I nearly stormed out of the church. They had allowed a presentation by the communist subversive anti-catholic organization known as Development & Peace.

We all know about their unholy alliances with pro-abortion groups, but this year it went much further. It was a 7 minute spiel about global warming and environmentalism. Pure political propaganda cloaked with a veneer of "christianese" words tossed in. If not for the fact that, after confession this morning, I was warned these nutjobs were going to speak ,and that I prayed for self control, I most certainly would have gotten up and walked out and possibly given them a piece of my mind.

I watched in disgust as many fellow parishoners heeded their call to sign "solidarity cards" and gove donations. I left immediately after feeling as disgusted and defiled as I would had I woken up in a brothel after a wild night of drinking and debauchery.

The demonic in the air was palpable. Don't these people know ( I refer to the Bishop who authorized this and asked us to "trust" that D&P was getting its act together, and the sheeple who go along with it. The D&P activists themeselves are well aware that they are corrupting the church with cultural marxism) that it is impossible to ally oneself with the anti-global warming crowd and remain true to church teaching? To subscribe to the heresy of anthropogenic global warming is to agree, eventually to throw the church teachings on contraception, abortion and marriage under the bus in the name of "social justice".
If anyone needs an explanation as to why the Global Warming/Green Movement and Christian Catholic teaching are compltely incompatible (to put it politely) watch the following Video:
I come to church to hear truth spoken , not lies. And this morning we were fed damnable lies with the blessing of no less than the local teaching authority of the church itself: the Bishop. That he could permit such a vile organization to openly spread outright lies like that in the church, before the official dismissal is unconscionable. In years past they would be low key and ask for funds to help with some projects, but this year the talk was unabashedly politcal. all the environmenatlist buzzwords were there.

Today I am absolutely ashamed of my church... I feel drained and defiled instead of refreshed and renewed after Mass.

This morning, I really had the sense that God had left the building.

D&P is not what i signed up for. As God abandoned the northern kingdom of Israel for its idolatry and worldliness, and later Judah for the same, it felt as if He had turned his back on us this morning.

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